Christmas at the Tower of Eder

Dec 22, 2023

We pick up where we left off last week with the second half of Stephanie’s deep-dive into the Christmas story from the perspective of Mary. We were joking that Joseph, through Matthew, gave us a very concise version of Jesus’ birth, while Mary, like most moms, has a lot more details to share! And indeed – it took one episode to cover Josepha’s account, and two episodes to cover Mary’s memories of the birth of her first born Son, Jesus our Messiah.

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One fascinating aspect we discuss is the meaning behind the name Jesus, which was commonly used at the time and carried deep significance. Stephanie also explores the mystery surrounding the exact date of Jesus' birth, leading to a discussion about the potential timing of his conception during the Passover season.

The Tower of Eder, mentioned in Matthew's account of the murder of innocent babies in Bethlehem, becomes a thought-provoking symbol. This tower, associated with the raising of sacred sheep destined for sacrifice, offers a glimpse into the symbolism of Jesus as the ultimate sacrificial lamb.

Stephanie invites you to experience the ceremonies of circumcision and the redemption presentation at the temple, shedding light on the profound significance of these ancient rituals and their connection to Passover.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Christmas story and discover your own calling this holiday season. As always, we are grateful for your continued support and appreciate your engagement with our podcast. Stay tuned for more inspiring content, captivating discussions, and fascinating insights as we navigate the depths of Scripture together.

Wishing you a blessed and joy-filled Christmas season!


The nature of God is revealed in humility and sacrifice. Jesus, who did not consider equality with God something to be used for his own advantage, made himself nothing, taking on the nature of a servant and being made in human likeness. Because of Jesus' humility and sacrifice, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him a name above every name. Every knee should bow and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Do you see the connection? Christmas, the incarnation of God on earth, is intricately linked to the cross and resurrection, leading us to the eternal reign of Christ. It's a powerful reminder of the ultimate gift we receive during this season.

Let's dive deeper into Luke's account of Mary's encounter with an angel. She is called "highly favored," a phrase only used twice in Scripture. This echoes Ephesians 1:6, where it's mentioned that God chose us before the foundation of the world, according to his favor and will. The Greek word used to describe Mary's favor is the same word used to describe God's favor towards believers in Ephesians. It means that it gave God great pleasure. Can you believe you are being highly favored like Mary? You are!

The tower near Bethlehem, where Jesus is born, is known as “tower of the flock,” or “tower of Eder.” It holds significant biblical connections: it is the place where sacred sheep were raised, destined for sacrifice. Jesus was born in the same place the lambs were readied to be killed on behalf of the people! And the famous Christmas shepherds were watching over THAT flock at night.

Now, let's talk about the circumcision and presentation of Jesus at the temple. Both events were customary for Jewish families. They symbolize redemption and the giving of the child back to God. This mirrors the Passover, where the lamb was sacrificed to redeem the firstborn.
The redemption ceremony also foreshadows Jesus' ultimate purpose: to buy humanity back for God. Just as Mary and Joseph bought Jesus back for the people, he will later buy humanity back for God through his sacrifice. This fulfillment of the Christmas story was predicted in Genesis 3:15, where God promises hostility between the serpent and the woman's seed. The incarnation and the cross are all part of God's ultimate plan for our salvation.

We can't forget the unexpected encounter that occurred at the temple during Jesus' presentation. It connects to an awe-inspiring passage in Isaiah 6:1-4, where Isaiah sees the glory of the Lord. The greatness of Jesus, God himself, is beautifully portrayed in this depiction.
We encounter the wise Simeon, who blesses Mary and foretells that Jesus will cause the rise and fall of many in Israel. He also mentions that a sword will pierce Mary's soul. Such powerful words that foreshadow the incredible journey ahead.
As we celebrate this Christmas, let's not forget the true meaning behind it all. Mary's encounter with an angel and God's plan for her serves as a powerful reminder for all of us to discover our Christmas calling.
Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey through the untold story of Christmas. May this episode inspire you and deepen your understanding of the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. Remember, every Christmas holds a beautiful story, waiting to be told.

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