Amanda & Dallas Jenkins | The Chosen: taste & see the spice of the gospel!
May 18, 2022​
Episode 88 – Stephanie welcomes Amanda and Dallas Jenkins on the show today. Dallas is the creator, director and producer of the global TV phenomenon, The Chosen. And his wife Amanda is the real MVP behind it all
If you are NOT familiar with The Chosen, well, might we lovingly encourage you to drop everything and start watching right now? If you’re thinking, “I have seen so many shows about Jesus, and they always fall short.” Well, allow us to tell you: not this one, it doesn’t. Here at Gospel Spice, we’re SUPERFANS because The Chosen honors the Lord and will make you fall in love with Him deeper. If you enjoy the Gospel Spice Podcast, you will truly love The Chosen! So, taste and see! There’s only one way to find out…
And conversely, if you are here because you are a Chosen fan but have never yet listened to Gospel Spice, welcome ! We encourage you to stick around and “come and see” or, as our Gospel Spice motto says, “taste and see”… Gospel Spice will add depth of flavor in your relationship with God just as The Chosen has. We alternate interviews like today’s, with Bible teachings that provide in-depth spiritual insights into the first century Jewish culture to help you fall in love with Jesus more. We have thousands of listeners in over 100 countries, and we hear it all the time: “Gospel Spice has helped me know and experience God more deeply.” So, come and see! There’s only one way to find out…
You can also watch the live video of the conversation on our YouTube channel, and make sure to subscribe:
Stephanie is a huge fan, and has watched countless videos, so she was looking to chat about things she had not heard Dallas talk much about... So, on today’s interview, they talk about The Chosen series, of course, but also about the behind-the-scenes for the Jenkins family: what it took to get where they are, how it affected their marriage, parenting, and more.
For example, Dallas and Amanda tell us how they used their own personal experiences to depict the various personalities, struggles and successes of the main characters of The Chosen. Whether it be Eden, Simon-Peter or Nathanael, we can relate to them all because, fundamentally, we are like them—maybe not in the particulars of their struggles and failures, but in the general condition of sinfulness.
Dallas and Amanda are candidly honest about the struggles that have surrounded the last few years of their lives in marriage, parenting, and career. They point us to Jesus every time—and not in a cliché way. This conversation is refreshing, insightful, and inspiring.
Amanda shares with us her experience of how to support a significant other in our life when they are going through grief, whatever its source. Dallas shares about the process of parenting their children through The Chosen, several years in.
We talk about the importance of humor, and the role of controversy in The Chosen. How do Dallas and his team decide which scenes to include, and when to insert humor (haunted grandma room, anyone?).
Have you ever wondered how Dallas cooks his burgers? The wait is over, and the mystery is revealed today! We include the exclusive #DallasBurger recipe, not to mention a tasty tip or two on spicy smoothies. Also, if you’ve ever found yourself on a very cold morning filming outdoors, Dallas has just the spicy treat for you. There’s only one way to find out how Dallas literally spices his team’s lives with the gospel…
As we move to bitter yet salvific spices, we focus on the much-dreaded “Season 6” which will feature the crucifixion and death of Jesus. How are any of us, Chosen fans, supposed to survive it?? How is Dallas planning on having the fortitude to direct this season? And what about Season 7—the one that will take our breath away like no other? Stephanie asked, and Dallas answered—with poise and grace.
Finally, we talk about the creative writing process, season by season and episode by episode: how does the team find the stories that are already nestled within the pages of Scripture? And what does that have to do with God crushing Dallas, as a spice is crushed to extract its flavors?
You guys. You need to binge this, and quick! In case you don't know... The Chosen is:
- the first-ever multi-season show about Jesus
- the #1 highest crowd-funded project of all-time at $10 million from over 19,000 people
- translated into 50 languages and counting
- consistently ranked in the top 50 entertainment apps on ios and android
- completely free to watch on our app that connects directly to streaming devices with no fee or subscription necessary
- generating income for future seasons when viewers choose to "pay it forward" after viewing.
For more, go to thechosen.tv and thechosengift.com
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gospelspice and connect with Stephanie: https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.rousselle.904/
Instagram, Stephanie Rousselle: https://www.instagram.com/stephanierousselle.us/ and Gospel Spice: https://www.instagram.com/gospelspicelife/
If you've enjoyed this episode, you will LOVE our Gospel Spice series! Click to check out the first episode of each season:
The Gospel of Matthew: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/3281/link/
The Psalms: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/33755/link/
The Gospel of Luke: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/40838/link/
The Book of Proverbs: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/68112/link/
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This year, Gospel Spice is not publishing episodes dedicated to the celebration of the Acension and Pentecost. These are crucial, momentous events in the life of Christ, and of the church. Please go to https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/gospel-spice/series/experience-the-ascension-and-pentecost/ to listen to all our content on this pricelesss topic! You will also find several other topic-themed inspiring series at the bottom of the page: gospel-spice.com
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