"Behold the Lamb." | A statement to enter wonder and worship | episode 213

Jun 20, 2023

Stephanie shares what happened as she researched for this episode: "Let me tell you. I was NOT expecting what happened when I did my research. I think the Lord kindly likes to surprise us with glimpses of glory when we don’t expect them. So let’s say I wasn’t expecting to find myself in tears, flat on my face in my dining room, and almost breathless in awe of who Jesus is, as I saw Him through the research I did around this statement, "Behold the Lamb." I discovered fresh from the familiar pages of the New Testament an angle, a new depth that took my breath away. And I want to share the holiness of this moment with you today." Stephanie aims today to show us that, when we proclaim Jesus as the Lamb of God, from the standpoint of the New Testament, we proclaim his glory as the Lamb of God that will be revealed in the future. There is a future dimension that is clearly stated, but somehow overlooked. And it is glorious. So, let's dig together into Scripture for fresh tastes of glory!

Listen here: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/232130/link/ 

What do you think of when you hear the statement, “Behold the Lamb of God”? If you are somewhat familiar with the Old Testament and the history of Scripture, you know it’s a reference to the Passover lamb that was sacrificed annually as a covering for sins. Since they exited Egypt in about 1600BC, Moses and the Israelites were commanded by God to remember His salvation which He made happen by protecting all the people who had the blood of a freshly killed lamb on the door of their house. If there was blood on your door that night, the angel of death would pass over your house – thus the name “pass-over” – and would not come in to kill the firstborn male of your household. If you didn’t have that blood, then the firstborn male was killed. It didn’t make sense except by faith because God said so. And God did so.

We love to remember that Jesus is the Lamb of God – meaning at least two things. First, He is fully God. And second, He willingly, voluntarily did this. God the Father didn’t force God the Son in some kind of cosmic tyranny to suffer for us. This was a decision that the Son made in full knowledge, and full power and love for us. “For the JOY set before Him He endured the cross” – that’s Hebrews 12:2. This is true power. Only absolute, ultimate power that has nothing to prove can so excruciatingly disrobe itself of power and become a helpless lamb. Philippians 2:5-8 tells us that He humbled Himself by going from heights of power we cannot even begin to remotely have a faint wisp of an idea of, to depths of humility that, similarly, we just cannot fathom because these depths are literally fathomless, bottomless, infinite – only an infinite being can go from infinite height to infinite depth and retain His wholeness. That is Christ. That is the Lamb of God. And it is glorious. And that is where we usually stop. For most of us, this is the meaning of the Lamb of God. And it is awesome and should cause us to fall in worship, to be sure. But there is more.

Stephanie adds, "my most sincere prayer is that I can somehow convey what I saw and that you too will find yourself worshipping. I usually have it as a rule to never ever hype a lesson, so here is me breaking my own rules but then it’s not about me, it’s about you and the very Spirit of God at work in you to reveal to you unspeakable beauties about the One He delights in, the Son of God, our very precious Lord."

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