The sacred dance of beholding, becoming, and belonging | with Dr Saundra Dalton Smith

Mar 18, 2025

Stephanie explores with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith the intricacies of identity, rest, and spiritual fulfillment. According to a recent article from CNBC, Americans have been taught that our work is the single most important way to prove our worth. In essence, what we do has been heralded as far more important that who we are. No matter our life stage -student, graduate, adult, parent, or retiree – the message has been communicated (and received) that we need to perform in order to matter. Researchers assert that this mindset is making us miserable and induces high rates of depression, shame, and substance abuse. Dr. Dalton-Smith debunks the myth of "having it all," emphasizing the importance of finding rest in the journey, rather than aiming to relentlessly complete life's tasks. She shares her personal journey of relinquishing control, choosing instead to trust and obey God, which allowed her to embrace her identity beyond societal roles and accomplishments.

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Scripture reveals aspects of God that illuminate parts of ourselves and encourages a journey of becoming aware of these divine connections. Through her book "Being Fully Known," Dr Saundra invites us to behold God's character, becoming aware of His presence within us, and belonging in a way that uniquely reflects His image.

Stephanie and Dr. Dalton-Smith explore the joy of embracing life's mysteries, moving through cycles represented by fields of suffering, surrendering, stretching, and soaring. These fields reflect the dynamic, non-linear nature of spiritual growth, grounded in God's character rather than worldly achievements. Embracing such cycles and living in obedient surrender will lead to deeper rest and fulfillment.

Dr. Dalton-Smith proposes the "abide-act" framework—a cyclical practice involving periods of resting in God's presence, followed by active steps based on what He reveals. This approach invites us to pursue our unique, God-given path without succumbing to societal pressures or predefined identities. This approach allows us to discover God's limitless creativity in crafting our journeys.

Through personal anecdotes, Dr. Dalton-Smith exemplifies how past pain and experiences are redeemed to fulfill God's purposes, turning them into sacred work that doesn't feel burdensome, but life-giving instead. Dr Saundra encourages believers to redefine success and fulfillment through a biblical lens, fostering a cycle of beholding, becoming, and belonging that transcends linear progression and celebrates divine rest and purpose.


Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a board-certified internal medicine physician, an international speaker, and the CEO of Restorasis, a workplace well-being consulting agency. She is also the award-winning author of Set Free to Live Free and Sacred Rest and the host of I Choose My Best Life podcast. Dr. Saundra lives in Alabama with her husband and their two sons. 

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