Come to the Table: an invitation to the feasts Jesus celebrated | NEW series! Episode 340

Sep 06, 2024

We need our eyes on Jesus. We need to train ourselves to see Him even where it is not obvious. Because He is here. He is in the middle of every detail we are going through. We just forget.

So, Stephanie invites you to join us as we train ourselves to see Him.

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There is something profound in seeking Jesus in the routine of daily life and also in the unusual moments of our years. To find him through our feasts and our fasts – our joys and our sadnesses, our happiness and our grief.

Through the series and in this episode, Stephanie hopes to provide an overview of the Jewish and Christian feasts and how, for example, some of them were fulfilled by the death and resurrection of Jesus, and then the birth of the church in the first coming of Jesus. The remaining feasts are yet to be fulfilled in the second coming of Jesus. This broad perspective allows us to see the feasts as part of a larger narrative under the sovereignty of God, pointing to the continuing, redemptive work of Christ. The Jewish and Christian liturgical calendars remind us to keep our focus on eternal things as we await the fulfillment of the remaining feasts.

Stephanie invites us into Jesus' interactions with his people through feasts, fasts, and daily life, focusing on the 17 special days in the Jewish and Christian liturgical calendars. Scripture and the communal aspect of faith urge us to explore ancient Jewish and Christian celebrations together as the body of Christ. Understanding the significance of feasts is not just an individual pursuit, but an opportunity to grow together as a community of believers.

Scripture points to Jesus as the fulfillment of the law of Moses and the covering provided in the Garden of Eden. Jesus perfectly fulfilled the requirements of the Mosaic Law, bringing a new covenant through his death and resurrection. The sacrifices in the Old Testament, as described in Leviticus and the Mosaic Law, were valid in the eyes of God because they pointed to the future death of Jesus Christ, first highlighted in Isaiah. The sacrifices in the Old Testament did not remove sin, but worked to restore covenantal relationships and forgive particular sins. This is a crucial aspect to understand, as it lays the foundation for Jesus' role as the ultimate sacrifice for the complete removal of sin.

By understanding the significance of feasts in both traditions and how they point to the work of the Messiah, we are invited to deepen our worship and grow in likeness to Jesus, the King of Kings. As we come to the table of God’s goodness and presence through the series, may we embrace these feasts as a fresh way to connect with our Savior, to fall in love and worship of Him ever deeper. Amen.

Don’t forget to check out our essential workbook to accompany this study. Stephanie personally created the content to invite you deeper into study. Don’t miss out! It’s at

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