Experiencing God | with Dr. Richard Blackaby
Nov 28, 2022Stephanie sits down with Dr. Richard Blackaby, who co-authored Experiencing God with his father Henry Blackaby. Richard and Stephanie talk about their common passion for Scripture, for The Lord of the Rings, and much more! Richard and Stephanie connect on the power of the spice of the gospel, and a common passion for delight in the glory of God as the ultimately most satisfying definition of a successful spiritual life in the Messiah. If you have experienced staleness in your relationship with God... this is the episode for you!
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/207011/link/
The key topic of this conversation is the power of a godly legacy through several generations. Richard and Stephanie start off by discussing some key elements of parenting through Richard’s own growing-up years in the Blackaby family. Richard shares precious family memories, and experiences of faith from his parents. He highlights the essential presence of joy and laughter in their household. These are precious insights for today’s parents of young and teen children! Richard says, “I can’t think of a better compliment than when your grown children say they want to carry your own family traditions into their own new families.”
Richard and Stephanie talk about Experiencing God, and the power of legacy through several generations being moved by this ground-breaking Bible Study, published in the early 1990’s. Through this conversation, you are invited to experience the power of God’s faithfulness, and the challenges of being in full-time ministry. Richard tells us the story of his father, and the process of writing Experiencing God.
Finally, they also talk about the brand new CSB Experiencing God Bible, its unique features, and what Richard hopes it will provide for a new generation of Christ-followers. Might the CSB Experiencing God Bible be the perfect Christmas gift for yourself and/or your loved ones?
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/207011/link/
This completely revised study Bible combines content from Henry Blackaby’s multi-million selling Experiencing God book and Bible study with a full Bible text, specifically the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation. Originally published in the late 90s in both the New International Version and the New King James Version as the Experiencing God Study Bible, the CSB Experiencing God Bible features updated and revised Experiencing God study and devotional tools with the accurate and readable CSB translation for a new generation wanting to hear from God. www.csbexperiencinggodbible.com The original Experiencing God book and Bible study was authored by Dr. Henry Blackaby almost 30 years ago and quickly became an international phenomenon. The study promotes a God-centered way of life that helps people know God intimately, recognize God’s voice and understand God’s will. The family of Experiencing God resources now number more than 50, with eight million units sold across all formats and over 75 languages. Richard Blackaby, president of Blackaby Ministries International, presents the best of Experiencing God content alongside the full Biblical text in the CSB Experiencing God Bible. This fall, the Experiencing God study is being re-released with new video content that includes Richard and Mike Blackaby, the son and grandson of Henry Blackaby. “An entire generation has been spiritually formed by Dr. Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God,” says Andy McLean, Publisher, Holman Bible and Reference. “Now Henry’s son, Richard Blackaby, has masterfully updated this life-changing classic for the CSB Experiencing God Bible. A new generation is invited to discover how hearing from God is both simple and deeply formative.” The CSB Experiencing God features unique design elements, study helps and devotional tools including:
• 66 Book introductions including key theme and setting
• In each of the book of the Bible, the reader is encouraged to consider many aspects of “Encountering God,” “Decisions Awaiting You,” and “Crisis of Belief”
• “God Focus” themes highlight important recurring ideas throughout the Bible
• “Prepare to Meet God” questions highlight important Experiencing God elements
• “Did You Notice?” questions at the end of each chapter review actions, plans, and purposes God has carried as well as potential life adjustments for today’s Christians
• Designed icons throughout identify the seven realities of Experiencing God and two steps of Fresh Encounter found throughout God’s Word
• Brief articles throughout the text explore concepts related to Experiencing God
• Biographies depict how a Bible character experiences God, discovering his purposes and plans for his people
• Book conclusions provide space for recording strategic Spiritual markers in life
The CSB Experiencing God Bible is released in the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB) translation, a translation heralded for its clarity and accuracy. It will also be released in multiple formats including hardcover, LeatherTouch, and genuine leather. www.csbexperiencinggodbible.com
Socials: Facebook @blackabyministries, Twitter @ExperiencingGod
Blackaby Ministries International (BMI) was founded in 2004 to encourage Christians worldwide to know and experience God through spiritual leadership, coaching, renewal and revitalization of churches, online classes, church-wide weekend retreats, and cultural engagement. Born in British Columbia, Henry Blackaby studied English and History at the University of British Columbia and earned his Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.) and Th.M from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (now called Gateway Seminary) in Phoenix, Arizona. Henry and Marilynn Blackaby served in several churches in California before relocating to Saskatchewan, Canada, to lead a struggling congregation that had dwindled to only 10 members in 1970. During their 18 years in Canada, they saw God work in miraculous ways, helped plant numerous churches, and reared their five children. Through those experiences, God taught the Blackabys truths about Himself that became the basis for the best-selling book, Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God, publishing in 1990 and selling more than seven million copies.
Over the last 30+ years, more than eight million people participated in the Experiencing God Study. Both the book and workbook have been publishing in over 75 languages and used by almost every denomination. Blackaby also won the Gold Medallion Award for the devotionals, Experiencing God Together and Experiencing God Day by Day. Blackaby went on to serve in a variety of leadership positions at ministries such as the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, the International Mission Board and LifeWay Christian Resources. He also served as President of Canadian Baptist Theological College for seven years.
After growing up in a spiritually rich environment, all five of Henry and Marilynn’s children sensed God calling them into full-time ministry. Their oldest son, Dr. Richard Blackaby, is the president of the Atlanta-based Blackaby Ministries International and is the General Editor of the CSB Experiencing God Bible. Dr. Thomas Blackaby is the lead pastor of Brookswood Baptist Church in Langley, BC, Canada. Dr. Melvin Blackaby is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church Jonesboro, GA. Dr. Norman Blackaby is a professor at Dallas Baptist University in Dallas, TX. Carrie Blackaby Webb served as a career missionary to Germany and lives in Jonesboro, GA.
Now a third generation of Blackabys are called to ministry including grandchildren Dr. Daniel Blackaby and Carrie Blackaby Camp.
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