From darkness to light: a reflective journey through Advent | Episode 366

Dec 06, 2024

Advent is an exquisite tapestry of remembrance and hope. It urges us to transcend the temporal allure of holiday celebrations and step into a sanctuary of reflection, rest, and renewed faith. Advent embodies a period of waiting that bridges past, present, and future expectations of Christ's advent. So today, Stephanie invites us to enter the heart of Advent—a time of reflection, prayer, and preparation centered around the comings of Jesus Christ.  

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Drawing from the Anglican liturgical tradition of the weekly "collects," prayer can transform the season, linking believers to a contemplative experience and encouraging introspection. On that note, consider checking out our Gospel Spice Advent Course, a series of 12 videos that will guide you on a prayerful 24-day journey that will highlight original, unexpected, deep insights for your heart and faith. More at

The Advent season encapsulates both the commemoration of Christ's first coming, and the anticipation of His return. This duality highlights Jesus' role, initially as a humble Messiah, and soon as a returning Judge and King.

Amidst the festive frenzy, we need to remember to emphasize rest during Advent. For many, resting in God's presence contradicts a performance-driven mentality. This, in turn, beckons us to relinquish control and engage in trust. Resting in God not only fosters spiritual quietness, but also enhances our awareness of His guidance.

As the season progresses, Stephanie extends an invitation to experience Advent not merely as a time of expectation, but also as a process of spiritual readiness. Repentance, grace, and prayer point us towards preparation for Jesus’ imminent arrival. This sacred anticipation encourages us to reflect on our identity in relation to God, seeking quietness, trust, and strength through His presence.

Advent sends forth a sacred invitation to step away from commercial clamor and enter into a season of faith-journey marked by expectation, repentance, and joyful anticipation. Let us heed this call to embrace Advent as a season of profound spiritual transformation and expectation in Christ!

Catch up with Stephanie's latest episodes on the Gospel Spice podcast!

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