From wishful thinking to certain hope in Christ

Jul 19, 2024

Hope is a transformative force, capable of providing comfort and strength amidst life's challenges. The Bible says much about the impact of hope on the heart, shedding light on the intricate relationship between hope and the human spirit. So today I invite you deep into the nuances from Scripture in French to spark fresh hope, and reignite embers of disappointed hope for you. French offers subtle yet profound differences between two words both translated “hope” in English: "Espoir" and "Esperance."

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Note | You are invited to go deeper by using our extensive digital book that includes, for each of our 12 episodes in the series, a listening guide, questions to ponder, key takeaways and key quotes, topics to go deeper, and more. Go to​​​​​​​ for the details and to download a free sample.

"éspoir" is more like wishful thinking, while "espérance" is all about rock-solid promises. It's a bit like the difference between fleeting daydreams and unwavering faith – and it's deeply rooted in biblical truth. Scripture really hones in on the truth of "espérance," painting a vivid picture of the steadfast assurance and unwavering faith it embodies in the Christian faith. This isn't just about fleeting hope; it's about rock-solid confidence in the promise of eternal salvation.

Scripture gives us context as it explores how hope coexists with fear and uncertainty. It's an inspiring call to rise above fleeting "éspoir" and embrace the unshakable hope that comes with faith in Christ. We explore how the use of "éspoir" and "espérance" shifts between the Old and New Testaments. It's like peeling back layers of a story – and it all ties into concealed and revealed hope throughout Christ.

And so, I invite you to reflect on your own hope, encouraging you to consider the transformation  from "Espoir" to "Esperance" made possible through Christ.  Together, let’s unveil the cultural and biblical significance of "Esperance," with its prevalence in the New Testament and its profound certainty and confidence in Christ.

Catch up with Stephanie's latest episodes on the Gospel Spice podcast!

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