God possesses ultimate worth. And consequently, so do you!

Jul 05, 2024

Bonjour! Stephanie here. There is nothing quite as mesmerizing as the worth of God – the very word “worship” comes from the ancient English worth-ship and recognizes the ultimate worth of God. So today I invite you down the lane of another French word which, I pray, will allow you to enter fresh, deep worship. That French word is “Valeur.” So, drawing from the biblical concept of intrinsic worth, subjective value, and objective worth, let’s dive into the multifaceted aspects of this word and how it relates to our understanding of worthiness, valor, and the intangible qualities that draw us to God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ found in Scripture.

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We begin by unveiling the nuanced meaning of "Valeur." Exploring the layers of value, worth, and valor, we will highlight the intricate connection between these concepts. By pondering the biblical perspective on value, we will examine how our worth is ultimately defined by God's opinion of us. This foundational understanding shapes our perception of self-worth and value, inviting us to recognize our intrinsic worth as valued and cherished children of God.

Deeper still, let’s ponder with fresh awe and reverent worship the intrinsic worth of God, emphasizing that His supreme worthiness is what sets Him apart as the ultimate and only worthy Being. This will inspire us to acknowledge the objective worth of God, anchoring our appreciation of His supreme value and dignity.

Next, I invite us into the exploration of Christ's valor. Scripture paints a poignant picture of Jesus as our valiant Savior, weaving together His humility, sacrifice, and love in the face of the Cross. Through this, the Bible inspires its readers to embrace the valor of Christ within ourselves, recognizing that the same valor is made available to us through the Holy Spirit.

Shifting focus to the intriguing French expression "je ne sais quoi," I hope to show you its resonance with the intangible qualities that draw us to the Gospel, inspiring us to live out our faith in a way that embodies the gospel to the world, thus attracting others to the beauty and magnetism of Christ in our own lives. As such, we have a responsibility to steward that divine "je ne sais quoi”: as recipients of God's unmerited favor, we are called to cultivate and manifest these intangible qualities in our lives. Scripture compels us to exude Christ's aroma, drawing others to the undeniable allure of the Gospel through our actions, character, and faith. We will talk about what it looks like, and how to do that.

So, today let’s enter Scripture reverently, because it invites us to not only recognize our intrinsic worth through God's eyes, but also to embody that captivating "je ne sais quoi" that draws others to the beauty of Christ's love and grace. Scripture unveils the intrinsic worth and valor of the Gospel, and compels us towards the unfathomable beauty and depth of hope and redemption found in Christ Jesus.

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