How do we develop godly habits? | Pathways to God's presence

Feb 06, 2023

Welcome back! We cover much in our Pathways to God’s presence series today. We invite you to grow into the moment by moment surrender to God’s will and whisper as, together, we practice the presence of God today.

Stephanie says, “There is a virtuous cycle between what we believe and who we become. We develop this strategy of turning belief into identity through habits of spiritual disciplines.”

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After establishing the dangers we face as we walk the pathways towards God – namely, the flesh, the world and the devil –, Stephanie takes us on a trip through the French language to experience spiritual disciplines as holy clothing to be worn daily. Then, we dive into the three aspects of prayer, Bible intake and worship we will cover today. They include,

CONFESSION AS PRAYER: Confession is the path to freedom. Confession is not groveling before an angry God. It focuses on removing sin from self. It is an essential pathway to humility, self-knowledge. Honestly assess your heart before the Lord, daily, or more. Whenever you feel that little twinge of the heart, this little prick from the Holy Spirit who kindly informs you that you have need for forgiveness. He knows, and he lets you know. not to condemn you, but to bring you to freedom through releasing the burden for Him to carry and cancel. The habit of confession is powerful. It is the gateway to true, lasting freedom.

MEDITATION AS BIBLE INTAKE: When we meditate upon Scripture, we practice the presence of God. We enter His presence, we remain and dwell there. It is a good foundation for a good day, and little by little the daily puzzle pieces of Christ-centered meditation color our lives with freedom, gratitude and no small measure of humility and patience.

EVANGELISM AS WORSHIP: Pondering Scripture is a form of worship, too, in the sense that we are preaching the Word of Truth to our own hearts. It is a form of evangelism! And evangelism, which is the sharing of the truth of Scripture, is a powerful and effective form of worship.

Confession in prayer. Meditation of Scripture. Evangelization as worship. They are all encapsulated in the dedication of the temple by Solomon, and they are rooted in the presence of God whose glory has come to dwell in our hearts and lives through the HS.

Jesus has clothed you with garments of salvation, and equipped you with everything you need to walk the pathways to His presence. You are dedicated for holy use, set apart as a vessel created to honor your Lord and King.

We are all priests and priestesses to God, in Christ. He has dressed you with the habit befitting your priestly set-apart position: “the victor will be dressed in white clothes, and I will never erase his name from the book of life but will acknowledge his name before My Father and before His angels” (Revelation 3:5, HCSB). You are dressed in Christ with white robes of purity, victory, and eternal life. Your robe is your habit.

Catch up with Stephanie's latest episodes on the Gospel Spice podcast!

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