Jill Briscoe on Christmas and her husband's legacy
Dec 05, 2022Jill Briscoe is a prolific author, speaker and poet. Today she brings us two Christmas poems as well as the context that led her to write them. She and Stephanie have enjoyed many phone conversations over the past few years, and Jill was eager to bring our Gospel Spice listeners a special Christmas gift of encouragement, wisdom, wit, and humility!
You can also watch the live video of the conversation on our YouTube channel, and make sure to subscribe:
In the second half of this episode, recorded separately, Jill shares her thoughts on the legacy that her recently departed husband Stuart Briscoe has equipped her to continue building. She shares about how she had to learn that we each are called to carry our own cross as we are invited to enter into the fellowship of the sufferings of Jesus Christ. She shares her own vulnerabilities and fears with her trademark authenticity. She leaves us with a compelling challenge to embrace the fullness of the life we have been called to--and to do it afraid when needs be.
Jill was a guest on Gospel Spice in episode where she shared about overcoming fear with faith. We invite you to (re)visit this highlight of our show!
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