Practical steps to God's presence: Embracing hope and comfort | with Summer Joy Gross

Aug 20, 2024

Stephanie here!  I've welcomed Summer Joy Gross on the show a few weeks ago (episode 319) and I wanted her back to continue discussing her book, The Emmanuel Promise, with more of the practical aspects of what it looks like to walk with God in the daily life. As we continue today, we're going to talk about object permanence, repentance, Lectio Divina, imaginative prayers, as different ways that we are invited into the presence of God.

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Now at the end of our conversation, I'm going to read after she prays a beautiful prayer for you, which you do not want to miss. I'm going to read from the end of her book. It's a chapter called “Stewarding the presence,” and she summarizes some of the practices, the various ways that she invites us into the presence of God by His spirit.

I had the privilege of welcoming Summer Joy Gross a second time on the Gospel Spice podcast, where we dove deep into the transformative power of practicing the presence of God and the impact of imaginative prayer. Here are some key takeaways for you:

1. Embracing the Senses in Faith: Summer shared about using physical objects like candles and jewelry to remind herself of God's presence. She emphasizes the need to build a stronger attachment to God by engaging the senses, rather than relying solely on intellectual faith.

2. Overcoming Doubt and False Beliefs: We discussed Summer's journey through doubt and false beliefs about God. Her experience of overcoming anxiety and shame through experiencing God's compassion is truly inspiring.

3. The Power of Imagination in Scripture: Summer highlighted the value of utilizing imagination in communion with God, referencing the impact of media in inviting people inside biblical stories. We explored "The Chosen" TV series and its role in helping people to imagine themselves in biblical stories, leading to a deeper connection with scripture.

I invite you to listen to the full episode for an enriching and insightful conversation. Let's continue to seek God's presence and experience His goodness practically, without shame.

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