Practicing the Presence of God | Pathways to God's Presence
Mar 20, 2023We wrap our series, Pathways to God’s Presence, with an invitation to practice heaven and the presence of God in our lives today. Stephanie beckons us to ponder the seasons and moments of our lives as cycles of growth towards deeper intimacy with God. She opens for us the joy and privileges of godly stewardship of our resources – time, talent and money – as so many opportunities to implement small, incremental God-ward changes in our daily rhythms. She asks, how do we spend our time? How do we invest our God-sourced resources? Do we truly aim to live each moment in awareness of God’s presence? He is the source of all things good and beautiful and perfect and joyful. Do we live in accordance with that truth? And, since none of us fully do, how can we make growth an abiding reality?
Listen here: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/222768/link/
You can watch this episode on video on our YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/MMPHvXFGAUo
You are invited to enjoy a BONUS episode where Stephanie shares her favorite books as the resources she has used for this series. It is available on video only on our YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/W6G8rvgviSY - Enjoy!
Stephanie invites us into the Lord’s prayer to taste fresh flavors of humility and practical tips on how to experience the presence of God. She invites us to make our lives a continual practice for heaven as the convergence of all that we have seen through our series—all the pathways to the Presence of God converge in the place of intimacy with Him through Jesus Christ our Lord and King.
Finally, we take our place around the table of the Lord’s Supper, our final moments together in the series, to embrace our life as an other-centered witness for the glory of God. Stephanie says, “I hope our times together have help you find answers to become the person God has crafted you to become, the person you know you want to be when you meet Jesus on that glorious day at the end of the path, only to discover that the path will have only just begun and that, in the words of CS Lewis I already quoted in an earlier episode: “Now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.”
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