Rest and return to God with faith and confidence | Yom Kippur today and tomorrow | Episode 348

Oct 04, 2024

In the midst of the rich tapestry of Jewish feasts and celebrations, Yom Kippur, known as the Day of Atonement, holds a pivotal place. In our Christian faith, we can draw stunning parallels with Jesus as our high priest and ultimate sacrifice.  

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Yom Kippur is a solemn and holy day in the Jewish calendar, a festival centered around national atonement, involving deep personal and communal repentance. The significance of the great high priest entering the holy of holies, dressed humbly and carrying the prayers of the people, serves as a central element of the day's rituals. 

Central to the observance of Yom Kippur are the two goats chosen for sacrifice. One goat, known as the Jehovah goat, serves as a sin offering and is killed, symbolizing the atonement for sins. The other goat, the Azazel goat, is set free, representing the removal of sin. The casting of lots by the high priest determines the fate of each goat, highlighting the profound symbolism and purpose behind each sacrifice. 

Drawing from passages in Isaiah and Psalms, we highlight the mission of the Messiah as outlined in the prophetic Scriptures. Despite initial rejection by the people of Israel, the Messiah's mission is to atone for the sins of the people and ultimately bring salvation to the entire world. This parallels the sacrificial roles of the goats in the Yom Kippur observance, with Jesus serving as both the sacrificial offering and the one who removes the sins of all people. 

Jesus is our great high priest; the book of Hebrews explores the doctrine of Jesus' superior and eternal priesthood, surpassing that of Melchizedek, a figure of significance in both Jewish and Christian traditions. The criteria for the great high priest—being human, compassionate, and appointed by God—are elaborated upon, positioning Jesus as the perfect and compassionate high priest who mediates between God and humanity. 

An essential component of Yom Kippur is the shedding of blood for the confession of sins, emphasizing the need for atonement and repentance. The sacrifices offered on Yom Kippur serve as a reminder of the inherent sinfulness of humanity and the need for a better and permanent solution. Through the lens of the New Testament, Yom Kippur underscores Jesus' sacrificial offering as the ultimate and permanent solution for the atonement of sins. 

What about the future fulfillment of Yom Kippur? It points to the future acknowledgment of Jesus as the Messiah by Israel, aligning with the prophecies outlined in the scripture. The essence of true Yom Kippur will be realized through hardship and repentance, paving the way for national and individual acknowledgment of the Messiah. 

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