The toxic trap of comparison | with Heather Creekmore
Jul 04, 2022Dive into a comparison-free summer!
Let's be honest today: do you look around and compare yourself to others? In other words, do you struggle with comparison? Do you feel shame because you compare to others and fall short? Who and what are you comparing yourself to? Are you trying to become the person you are comparing yourself to? And how is it working for you, really?
What is the comparison ladder you are trying to climb? Physical appearance and body image? Career? Home status? Who are you trying to better? And, what does Jesus have to say to all these questions? Jesus does not place on us the burden and pressure of comparison, like we tend to. He has already finished all the work, and the finality of the cross is our reality to embrace. How do we then free ourselves from the pressure of comparison? We know the answer is Jesus, but seriously, how does that work?
Today we are kicking off our Summer 2022 series with Stephanie's friend Heather Creekmore. They invite you to enter a comparison-free summer. Heather shares her struggle with comparison, and how toxic it was in her spiritual walk, and in every area of relationship. Heather's particular area of comparison was in body image -- she believed the lie that her life would be better if she looked a certain way. But comparison is something we can all be prone to, even if it is not body image (though, let's be honest - it is a problem many of us have, men and women both, regardless of what we actually look like!). As a man, do you feel you should look like Thor or Captain America to be accepted? As a woman, do you feel you should look like Wonder Woman to be loved? Does God care about our body image, our weight, our physical appearance? How can we honor Him in this area?
Now, how about those of us who say, "I don't compare myself to others, but only to the ideal version of me." What does Heather have to say to that? She gives us a practical blueprint to overcome the toxic temptation of comparison.
Heather says, "I spent two decades battling my body image. No matter how I changed my body, I couldn’t find contentment. I even became a fitness instructor thinking that would fix my body image issues. As a Christian, I knew that the Bible should have the answer, but I could never find it. I heard all the cliches, ‘I was fearfully and wonderfully made‘ and ‘It’s what’s on the inside that counts‘ but they never helped me. I still struggled with wanting more beauty."
website: https://comparedtowho.me/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeatherCreekmoreblog/
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Her YouVersion reading plan "Compared to Who?": https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/29320-compared-to-who-a-10-day-plan-to-improvebody-image
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