Trusting God's heart over our own | Discovering true freedom in the Gospel

Oct 27, 2023

Stephanie reflects on the concept of freedom and the idea of choosing our master. As she shares her personal journey of relinquishing control, Stephanie challenges the notion that we are the best masters of our own lives. Instead, she encourages us to look beyond ourselves and find a master who is infinitely better than us. Join us as we explore the true meaning of freedom and discover the power of putting our trust in a trustworthy God.

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In our culture, the world tells us to follow our own hearts, to be the masters of our own destiny. But as Stephanie points out, our hearts are not always trustworthy guides. She admits her own shortcomings and realizes that she is not the best master for her own life. Can any of us truly claim to be? Stephanie challenges us to consider who or what we are following in our own lives.

Stephanie then invites us to shift our perspective and look outside of ourselves for guidance, for a master who is infinitely better than us and who has our best interests at heart. She highlights that true freedom lies in choosing the right kind of help. In this case, it is choosing God as our master, the master who loves us infinitely, who knows all and has ultimate power and control.

Faith, Stephanie reminds us, is not a step in the dark. It is about stepping out boldly because we know whose hand we are holding. It is trusting in a God who has proven trustworthy time and time again. Putting our faith in our own hearts would be misplaced faith, but putting our trust in God brings us freedom and a clearer view of reality.

So, dear friends, let us consider who or what is truly guiding our lives. Are we choosing to follow our own flawed and finite hearts, or are we surrendering to the loving and wise guidance of our Heavenly Father? Let us choose the master who knows our purpose, who guides us towards true freedom, and who transforms us into the best version of ourselves.

True freedom is not found in independence but in choosing whom we will follow. We all have a master, something or someone who controls our lives. So, who will you choose as your guide to true freedom?

Get ready for an episode that will captivate your heart and inspire you to embrace the gospel in a whole new way. Welcome to Gospel Spice. Let's dive in.

Catch up with Stephanie's latest episodes on the Gospel SpiceĀ podcast!

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