What does it mean to be "in Christ"?
Sep 01, 2021Welcome to our brand new Gospel Spice podcast series, Identity in the Battle. Over the course of the next eight weeks, we will take deep dives into the letter to the Ephesians with a focus on putting on our God-given identity, and then putting on the armor to fight the battles of this life, grounded in who God says we are.
In this first episode of this new podcast series, Stephanie ponders that embracing our identity and calling in Christ takes a lifetime. It is a slow process of discovering, accepting, embracing our identity--and doing this, daily by letting it change who we are, into who God created us to be. It is rooted in the simple key of finding our roots IN CHRIST.
Paul mentions the theme of adoption much in our first chapter, so we take a deep dive into what adoption means--on earth, and in heaven. By looking at the legal and practical requirements, we taste new depths of flavors from our own declared adoption, in Christ, into the family of God as belove children. We ponder the inheritance promised to us: the freedom of children is their newfound inner spiritual freedom to choose to love God with all their strength, mind, soul and spirit and love one another as themselves.
Friend, intimacy with God is possible. Hearing His voice guiding you can be your reality this side of heaven.
We conclude this first episode in our series by weighing the meaning of the "sealing" of the Holy Spirit. What does it mean? What can we compare it to? And how is it truly transformative? Stephanie says, "Our true purpose cannot be realized apart from full surrender and belonging into this new family. Our growing likeness to Him gives us boldness through Him."
Finally, she shares, "one thing I have learned, and that is to let the Holy Spirit guide and direct. I am in the passenger seat of my life. Work from the Spirit, not your own natural abilities."
This series focuses on our identity for the first 2 episodes (today and next week) and then moves to the battlefield we are called to enter in this life. Satan fights hard to prevent us from being convinced of our adoption in our bones, because he knows the power of a child of God fully released for the kingdom.
You have the option to go beyond listening to this series, and to participate actively. It is completely free, a resource by Gospel Spice Ministries. Go to gospelspice.com/identity to register for a self-paced Bible study. You will receive a downloadable, printable workbook containing listening guide for each of the 6 episodes in this series, space for note taking, and discussion questions if you want to do this study with a friend! What better way to enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend this season, than to discuss your identity in the battle together? So, grab a friend or family member, or someone to mentor or be mentored by, and register together.
Special bonus! When you register, you will be added to an exclusive live Zoom call with Stephanie and the Gospel Spice Ministries team to discuss the episodes and ask YOUR questions! There will be 2 live calls over the course of this series (August 2021 only, upon initial release of the episodes).
The first chapter of the letter to the Ephesians spells out our identity in Christ:
o From all eternity – He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. (1:3)
o chosen and predestined for adoption into His family: In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will" (1:4-5).
o Redeemed: “redeemed through His blood” (1:7), and
o Sealed w Presence of HS: “sealed by the Holy Spirit” (1:13).
o Saved by grace alone, not works: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast'' (2:8-9).
Every week, Stephanie shares truth from Scripture and invites you to dig deeper in your faith to delight in the glory of God.
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In more details: we provide resources to empower Christian leaders across generational, social, ethnic and geographical boundaries towards more intimacy with Jesus Christ and discipleship effectiveness through a Biblical Christocentric foundation. The Gospel-Spice Ministries provide a safe environment for spiritual and community growth empowering people to know Christ more intimately, serve one another more powerfully, and reach the world for Jesus.
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