Will you say YES to God in 2023? | with Jennifer Hand
Jan 30, 2023Stephanie invites you into her conversation with beloved friend Jennifer Hand to discuss how to approach 2023 and most importantly, how to keep God at the very center of our lives, our hearts, our passions and, yes, our fears and anxiety. They have an honest, raw conversation about our fears, our God-sized challenges, and what can hold us back from the fullness of God’s good will for us. Jenn is a seasoned warrior in the Kingdom of God, and Stephanie holds the high honor of calling her friend. Together, they invite you to say YES to all that God has for you in 2023.
take a listen: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/215979/link/
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What's holding you back as you envision 2023? The risk? The unknown? The unwillingness to shake up the comfortable status quo? Whatever it is, if you're not in God's best place, you're missing out on something great. The Lord is calling you into a Promised Land. But it's going to take some faith steps to get there.
Jenn Hand wants you to be able to say to God, "My yes is on the table." Not halfheartedly. Not half the time. Not halfway there. Jenn wants you to go all in with God—because God is all in for you.
My Yes Is on the Table takes you into the story of the Israelites as they journeyed out of the wilderness and into the Holy Land that God had granted them. Each chapter will challenge you to move from a fear stop to a faith step. And once you've started taking those steps with God, there's no telling where you'll end up.
For too long, you've been paralyzed by fear of the future. You feel God calling. You want to go forward with His plans. Yet fear has stopped you from taking the leap. No more! Instead of letting fear stop you short, let faith call you forward with newfound confidence and holy boldness. Put your "yes" on the table and watch God do more in your life than you could have ever imagined.
JENNIFER HAND, Executive Director of Coming Alive Ministries, founded the ministry in 2012 and loves the honor of traveling nationally and internationally, inviting people to come alive in Christ through conferences, retreats, written resources, and counseling. She has had the joy of serving in over thirty countries. With a Master's degree in trauma counseling, God has opened a unique door for her to respond after natural disasters around the world, providing trauma counseling and the hope of Christ on the holy ground of suffering. She would love to keep up with you in her cozy internet corner of the world at www.comingaliveministries.com or on social media @comingalivejenn or Jenn@comingaliveministries on Facebook.
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