Stéphanie Rousselle


Stéphanie Rousselle is the founder of Gospel Spice Ministries. Her motto is, “God’s glory, our delight!” She thrives on Bible-centered inspirational writing and speaking, and dark chocolate. She knows herself too well to take herself seriously...

Born and raised in France, she has lived for her One over the last two decades on three continents, four countries, and five cities through six professional roles. She is a wife, mom, podcaster, public speaker, Bible teacher, former women’s ministry director, and strategy consultant. And she is 100% French.

She loves sharing nuances taken from the French and English languages and cultures to experience the New Testament from the inside out. She has quoted her favorite words more times than she can count, first to herself and her children, and then also in settings as diverse as Bible studies, conferences, podcasts and more: “There is nothing you can do for God to love you more; and there is nothing you can do for God to love you less.” Her favorite verse and passion is Philippians 3:10: “For my determined purpose is to know Christ, through the power of His resurrection and the fellowship in His suffering.”

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Stephanie is surrounded by the best team in the world here at GSM. We are moms/wives, college students, Bible teachers, ministry leaders, and professionals in various fields. Our families are rooted in America, Africa, Asia, and Europe ethnically, culturally, and missionally. Most of all, we are Christ-followers, and Bible-lovers who have embraced the Gospel Spice Life, and want to invite you to do the same! We aim to serve you with excellence as you consider serving others.



Stephanie is currently taking speaking engagements. Contact us here for more info!


Angel, founding officer at GSM, is a woman of many eclectic talents, passionate about God and living to worship her maker.

Her diverse professional experience includes Media, Film Production, Music Ministry and Law. Her most important ministry, however, is as a wife and mother.

One of her go-to Scriptures is Proverbs 14:1 “A Wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.”

A member of the NYS bar with a J.D. from the LSU Law Center, this proud Louisiana native loves good food and family. She is passionate about bringing people from diverse backgrounds together here on earth as it will be in heaven.

Maya Angelou’s words inspire her greatly: “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.”


Angie is a founding Core Team member at GSM, a wife, and mom to 2 teenage girls, and a dog mom to her Goldendoodle Max.

God has powerfully gifted Angie with the amazing talents of administration and organization. A former accountant and corporate catering/events manager, she loves to serve the Lord by using these gifts in ministry.  Angie coordinates various aspects of registration, planning, and logistics. Needless to say, Gospel Spice Ministries would not be the same without her!

Her favorite verse is Lamentations 3:22 “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.”

One of her favorite quotes is by Tim Keller: “You don’t realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.” 


Chera is a Core-Team member at Gospel Spice Ministries, as well as a wife and mom.

A passionate follower of Jesus, she worked in the corporate world for years until the day God called her by her name, and said, “Follow Me”, and everything changed. She felt called to devote her new life to building God’s Kingdom and serving Him.

Chera is passionate about worshipping the God who saved her. You can find her leading worship at her local church most Sundays. Her heart’s desire is to help others fall in love with Jesus, and find healing, redemption and grace there. “I run in the path of Your commands…” these words of King David, are words that Chera strives to live by. “Not to us, O Lord, but to Your Name be all the glory!”


Grace is one of the Digital Managers for GSM and she’s specializing in running the website. She is a sophomore nursing student at the University of Pittsburgh and one day hopes to work in pediatrics. Working for Gospel Spice Media is a growing experience and getting to work with some of her best friends makes this job even sweeter. 

Grace loves spending time outdoors - taking walks around campus and soaking in the beauty of God’s creation. At school she is involved in Cru, a campus ministry, making Pitt feel more like home. She also participates in Days for Girls an international organization making period products for girls and women in need - helping others is something she is very passionate for. 

Isaiah 54:10 is a verse that Grace holds on to while walking through everyday life: “For the mountains may move and the hill disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken." God’s love for us is so powerful and He will never let go. 

Hannah is the Special Projects Manager for GSM. Her main role is to make the Gospel Spice products and services accessible to more people to inspire our generation to delight in God.
Hannah has worked both in the corporate Fortune 500 space as well as with small businesses on various marketing, communications, and graphic design projects. She is passionate about accessibility and storytelling through strategic creative methods.
Hannah is a passionate volunteer for Young Life's Capernaum ministry for adolescents with disabilities, as well as for her church youth group. In her free time she enjoys travel (especially to the beach) and is determined to find the best coffee shop in each new place she visits. Hannah loves live music, fashion and design, great conversations around a fire pit, and cheering on the Georgia Bulldogs. Hannah is also a member of the 2023-2024 Blue Ridge Fellows class, learning how to live out seamless faith in Christ.
Isaiah 43:19 is Hannah’s favorite verse, “Behold, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.”



Linda, founding officer at GSM, is a wife, mother, mentor and teacher.

Linda’s life work is teaching, and she has taught the Word of God to countless people of all ages. Her passion is for all people to study and understand the Bible, and is fueled by these words by Charles Spurgeon: “A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” 

Linda’s desire is to use the study of the Word of God to encourage others to know and experience the Lord God in an increasingly intimate way.

Acts 17:28, “In Him we live and move and have our being,” is her heart’s cry for herself and others.


Lindsay, founding officer at GSM, is a follower of Christ, wife, mom and doctor of philosophy specializing in clinical psychology. She is a self-proclaimed Bible-geek who loves to ponder connections between Biblical truth and psychology—the study of the soul.

Her favorite quote is “It is a joy to be hidden, but a disaster to not be found” (Winnicott, 1965). It is the joy of her heart to help others grow in their understanding that they are fully known and fully loved by their Creator.

Her favorite verse is 2 Corinthians 4:7: “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”


Michaela is a Digital Manager for GSM–specializing in video editing and YouTube! She is an undergraduate student studying biochemistry and sociology, and hopes to serve women and girls as a physician in the future. Doing work for Gospel Spice is a joy, as she gets to use her creative brain and serve the Lord in a way her classes typically don’t allow.

Michaela is especially passionate about reaching her generation with the good news of Jesus; God has transformed her life, and she wants others to taste and see that goodness. Outside of work and school, she leads a Bible study for Cru on her campus, and enjoys picnicking in the local park. One piece of life advice she would give you is to find friends who like to cook or bake (they like to bring you delicious things all the time!).

She is also a Psalms enthusiast. One verse she especially loves is Psalm 63:3, “Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you”. His love is better than life! We can’t even wrap our minds around it.


Roslyn was born in South Africa and moved to the USA in 2017.  She is a wife and mom to 3 busy kids.  

Ros has previously worked for over 13 years in the corporate world in the area of human capital strategy consulting.  After her 3rd child was born she chose to stay home to be with her kids and run her own business prior to moving to the USA.

Ros is passionate about history and diving deep into understanding scripture.  She has also developed an insatiable thirst for all things apologetics and is very quickly building her reference library! She is currently busy completing her Certificate in Christian Apologetics through Biola University.

At age 13, Ros’ grandma gave her a verse that she has kept close to her heart: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths" -Proverbs 3:5-6


Sara is one of the Digital Managers for GSM, specializing in Graphic Design and Social Media Management. She is a student at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in Marketing and Global Management. 

When she’s not studying or designing graphics, Sara spends most of her time working out, reading, baking, and taking 0.5 selfies. She is also involved with Cru at Pitt, a Christian organization on campus. 

One of her favorite Bible verses is Proverbs 3:5-6 :“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” 

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