We live in a world that tells us we can be anything we want.
But is that even something we should wish for?

What if our greatest freedom came, not from choosing who we are, but from embracing the fullness of who God made us to be? And what if God has wired us to be our freest, best selves when we become who Jesus says we are in Him? Finally, what if it took one another to discover more fully who we are in Christ, and who He is in us?

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Freedom in who God made you to be

Our freest, best selves in Jesus

Who we are in Christ, who He is in us

Walk alongside unexpected companions from Scripture who have discovered freedom in their God-given identity.

They have dared to answer Jesus' question to them, "Who do you say that I AM?" and, in the process, have heard Him answer their own question to Him - "Jesus, who do YOU say that I am?"
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What will I get out of this study?

The Unexpected Companions

An intimate knowledge of the lives of twelve key heroes of the faith - six from the Old Testament, and six from the New Testament.

Link the Old and New Testaments

A deeper ability to link the Old Testament and the New Testament in fresh, unexpected ways.

More Comfortable Familiarity


A comfortable familiarity with the Old Testament (especially if it scares you a little!).

Keys for Jesus' Question


Keys for you to answer Jesus' question to you: "Who do you say that I AM?".

Keys for Your Question


Keys for you to hear Jesus' answer to your question to Him: "Jesus, who do YOU say that I am?".

This is a humble, small-scale, no-frills, just-give-me-Jesus kind of Bible Study.

 What to expect each week:

A Bible study teaching by Stephanie (7 sessions)

A straightforward, practical listening guide to take notes during the lesson

Simple questions to use during your own quiet time with God

Suggested Bible verses to ponder or memorize to go deeper

What makes this study unique?

Imagine a conversation between, for example, Jacob and Peter about Jesus Christ. And then, imagine joining in the conversation to share your own perspective

Imagine a conversation between, for example, Jacob and Peter about Jesus Christ. And then, imagine joining in the conversation to share your own perspective! 

We will approach the pages of Scripture each week by comparing and contrasting one person from the Old Testament with one person from the New Testament in order to draw parallels from their lives and experiences that we can then apply to our own lives. Of course, the Old Testament person has never technically met Jesus, but the pages of the Old Testament are replete with prophecies and types of Christ to point us to Him. So, with each session, we are inviting an unexpected pair of biblical heroes around a coffee date, and we let them chat about their own personal life experience and how it reveals God. 

We will find that our own experience of Jesus Christ will echo theirs in more ways than one! By the end of our time together, we will be able to give a fuller answer to Jesus’ question to each one of us—“who do you say that I AM?” We will also be able to hear His answer to our own question to Him—”Jesus, who do You say that I am?”

We are intentionally choosing unexpected pairs from Scripture – someone from the Old Testament and someone from the New Testament that you may never before have thought to pair up. It will keep things spicy and interesting! 

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