Stephanie sits down with Dr. Richard Blackaby, who co-authored Experiencing God with his father Henry Blackaby. Richard and Stephanie talk about their common passion for Scripture, for The Lord of the Rings, and much more! Richard and Stephanie connect on the power of the spice of the...
This is our final episode in our much-beloved series, God's Glory, our delight! What a journey! Our conclusion today calls us to step from darkness to glory. Stephanie spends a moment reminiscing on the journey we have undertaken together. Over the 12 episodes of this series, we have sought to...
Ruth Chou Simons joins Stephanie today to invite families into an unconventional, life-changing Advent season. How can we prepare for a DIFFERENT kind of Advent - when Jesus is truly the center? How can we cultivate a posture of gratitude, an attitude of receiving goodness from the Lord, and a...
Stephanie invites us today to continue the conversation about depth of faith through trials and tribulation and hardship and suffering this side of heaven. She then moves to a glorious reality: Scripture is quite clear: there is a glorious inheritance that awaits us.
Stephanie enjoins us to embrace exotic faith with the goal of developing the perspective of heaven in our hearts - namely, in order to start perceiving our life and circumstances and relationships the way God does.
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN: https://www.podcastics.com/episode/139719/link/
Welcome back to our Gospel Spice fall 2022 series, God's glory our delight! "God's glory, our delight" is Stephanie's personal motto. Today we are pondering 6 steps as practical stepping stones to grow in our delight of God. This is not a guaranteed recipe - it is between you and God! Here...
An invitation to delight in the glory of God today and every day
"God's glory, our delight" is Stephanie's personal motto. In the spring, with episodes 146 through to 155, we entered into the deep waters of defining the glory of God and the quest of our hearts. Now with the second half of the...
Defining appropriate glory for the human heart: Why are we wired to seek glory for ourselves? Stephanie suggests to you that we are wired by God Himself to seek glory because this reveals our deep longing for identity. And we will find and keep our identity when we make God’s opinion of us,...
Jesus' humility as the roadmap to glory.
Episode 151 - Stephanie humbly invites us to dive into the meaning and expression of humility in Jesus's life. It started even before His incarnation - when He left the beauty and perfection of heaven to come dwell on planet earth, with a human body, and...
What does it mean to delight in God?
Episode 150 - Why does it matter to delight in God? Why does God command us to delight in Him and enjoy Him forever? Doesn't that sound like the whinings of an egotistic tyrant, an insecure bully in search of affirmation, or a boastful narcissist? Stephanie...
The greatest quest of life.
Episode 148 - We are so excited to welcome you to our new series, God's Glory, Our Delight. Now, this sentence. It means a lot, and especially to Stephanie because it has been her own personal motto and spiritual quest for years. So, really, this is an invitation to...
True freedom from digital addictions for kids and parents is possible!
Episode 147 - Are you concerned your children might be addicted to digital media? How can you know proper boundaries, and how can you weather a total digital detox without losing your mind in the process? How can you restore...
Episode 146 - We are so excited to welcome you to our new series, God's Glory, Our Delight. Taking delight in God: Nothing could be more important, and nothing could be more practical today.
We kick off the series with an episode that transitions us from Easter into this new season of deeper...
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